Small Seasonal Bouquet


Our small bouquets features seasonal focal and filler flowers cut right here on our farm! Each bouquet contains approximately 10 stems per bouquet. This bouquet  is shorter than our large bouquet and is about the size of a softball. It fits nicely in a skinny vase or mason jar.


Our small bouquets features seasonal focal and filler flowers cut right here on our farm! Each bouquet is Farmer’s Choice and contains approximately 10 stems per bouquet. This bouquet  is shorter than our large bouquet and is about the size of a softball. It fits nicely in a skinny vase or mason jar.

Small seasonal bouquets of fresh-picked flowers from our flower farm in Lillington, NC.


Your bouquet may include feature flowers like:

  • Tulips
  • Sunflower
  • Ranunculus
  • Anemone
  • Peony
  • Lily
  • Scabiosa
  • Bells of Ireland
  • Snapdragon
  • as well as lush native greenery!


Tips for helping your fresh cut flowers last longer:

  1. Don’t leave your flowers in a hot car.
  2. Keep them out of direct sunlight.
  3. Use flower food according to directions.
  4. Check the water level in your vase DAILY (fresh flowers get thirsty!)
  5. Change the water in the vase and trim the stems 1/8th of an inch every other day. Dirty water is the #1 killer of cut flowers!