

Commonly called a buttercup, the word ranunculus is Latin for “little frog” – probably because historically, these lovely lollipop blooms grew bountifully near water. Used extensively as fillers in wedding bouquets and corsages, their flower meaning and...


Often chosen to symbolize harmony, peace, wholeness, this bright bloom is a perfect addition to any of our fresh cut bouquets. With a delicate fragrance and array of colors, this flower is a favorite for our florist in Lillington, NC. Originally native to Mexico, but...


‘Ruffle’ is the word that best describes this lively little blossom that, from the 1500s, has framed cultural events and religious ceremonies around the globe. Steadfast today for it cheery attributes, every event table needs a fresh flower arrangement...


Grace, kindness and commitment are Dahlia’s traditional meaning. In 1615, the conquistadors recorded finding and eating the ‘tubers’ for medicinal purposes. The national flower of Mexico as well as the official flower of both Seattle and San...


You know basil from your kitchen, but basil in a flower arrangement? Its meaning in the language of flowers has changed over the years – originally with negative connotations – to one of love and good wishes. This fragrant bloom can have beautiful bunches...